01 January 2022

great journey day 486 we have been in germany for a few days or weeks now. d

Great Journey Day 486
We've been in Germany for a few days (or is it weeks again?). The acute sofaritis, biscuit-eritis and wool-eritis and other little quirks and quirks have drawn us away from the mobile phone and towards family and friends.

So, we start - as always - with a few days delay with our little travel reports about our south-north route along Germany. We would be happy if you stayed with us.

We wish you nothing extra for the new year.

We wish all of us (and this is now forever, for all years), you and us (and all who don't read along here too) a huge pack of health, hearts full of love, faces full of laugh lines and heads full of dear thoughts, bellies full of goodies and encounters with warmth of heart.

So, now we heat our Felix (a nice fireplace with crackling firewood would be great!), let tea and coffee steam in the cups and watch the raindrops roll down the windows.

We say thank you for the many wonderful greetings that have reached us in all possible ways and are now making ourselves comfortable!

#o go on 1TP5NewLand well #altesLand #Lachfalten

🖥️ www.facebook.com/Leben.pur

"Life pure!" is a collection of our very personal travel moments. We are on an open-ended and no-plan journey in a van 🚐.

1TP5Lifepur 1TP5Lifepurontheway 1TP5Lifepurontheway #travel #grosstravel #outdoorsisbeautiful #travelwithoutplan #traveltheworld #collectmomentsnotthings #slowwaymayberound #germany #germany #meinglobetrottermoment #camperlife #vanlifegermany #vanlife #lastrada #lastradareisemobile


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