031 - My adventure crossing the Alps - High up over the ridge to Biasca

031 - My adventure crossing the Alps - High up over the ridge to Biasca

Up high, 1100 metres of altitude up over the ridge to Biasca and then an overnight stay in the Capanna Efra (unstaffed mountain hut) at the top of the (almost) peak.

(Attention, waterfall noises could not be completely avoided, there were waterfalls EVERYWHERE...)

Today I was in good spirits and set off via Frasco, quite high up in the Verzasca Valley, and then only ever uphill. I was puffing like a walrus, sweating like anything and bravely crossed several waterfalls and, last but not least, snowfields.

At the top I was very moved, tired, exhausted and at the same time incredibly happy. My legs felt numb and my back muscles ached in a way I had never felt before. Only the further hike over the pass worried me because of the amount of snow. But how I decided, then in the next episode.

Here again why I am doing this Alpine crossing

Link to the first My Adventure EpisodeEpisode 020!

My current position and the route I have walked

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See you soon for the next episode,

Your Heike



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