033 - My adventure crossing the Alps - Along the Strada Alta towards Airolo

033 - My adventure crossing the Alps - Along the Strada Alta towards Airolo

How I was gifted on the Strada Alta.

We set off early from Biasca, in perfect weather. Via Sobrio we continued on the Strada Alta. What a beautiful panoramic road. And then every few kilometres a small village with little stone houses and narrow streets. And I didn't meet a single person for 15 kilometres. Until a couple just lay there by a waterfall and struck up a conversation with me. Full of gratitude, I went on. And in the very next village I was gifted with another encounter. And in the end I ended up in a monastery. That's where I am now, writing these lines with my nebulous iPhone on a Bluetooth keyboard in the old walls of a monastery.

And: I am happy and very very satisfied. (And a little tired, it was almost around the kilometres today).

My current position and the route I have walked

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See you soon for the next episode,

Your Heike



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