058 - Past pyramids and canyons to Graubünden

We already know that we are privileged to live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Thanks to our trip to Graubünden and swimming in Lake Cauma, however, we have become aware of this once again!

As a well-rehearsed team, we pack our bags within 30 minutes, stow them on the motorbike and are ready to go. It wasn't always like that! But I am incredibly happy that we have become so experienced at this. For me, this is a sign that we are on the road a lot.

So on the weekend before 1 August, we set off again. Where to? That was decided an hour before by my husband. My wish: not to have to sit on the motorbike for so long and to find a swimming lake as a reward. Again and again I am glad that my husband is so responsive to my wishes. We drove 5 hours by motorbike to Graubünden. Puhhh only a short distance... But I was promised that if I didn't like it anymore, there would be a break with coffee, food and other things that I would like...

None of us knows how many stops we finally made. What we do know is that we had a wonderful trip along many lakes and passes.

We hope you enjoy listening and look forward to sharing your experiences with us.





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