06 August 2021

great journey 🏍 day 334 driving day. and this eastern anatolian region is simply awesome. when i

Great Journey 🏍 Day 334
Day of driving. And this eastern Anatolian area is just awesome. If I could, I would share hundreds of pictures. After every curve we take in the high plateau, the helmet resounds: "Wow, look how beautiful!"

The Americans would call it a scenic road and install a view point on the side of the road every 250 metres. Our mouths remain open and the camera shows what it can do today. Even the memory card is surprised, it hasn't had to store so much for a long time.

The plateau is framed by huge mountains, which are often over 3000 metres high. The valleys of the plain go "down" to 1500 metres. We are almost alone on the roads. No tourism authority could have come up with a more beautiful way to do this. Even though the long distance makes our butts ache, especially my knees, we enjoy every metre of this panoramic tour.

The fact that we are invited to lunch by a Kurdish family, that the eldest son rides a motorbike with Gerd and that we then have to go to the village to drink tea in and in front of the village grocery store makes the long stretch and our stiff limbs a little easier.

By the way, we went to Lake Van especially to discover the Ottoman fortress and the Seljuk tombstones in Ahlat. We even slept in the teacher's house in Ahlat. And after breakfast we just drove off. It was only an hour later that I remembered. Drive back? Nope! Slowly we notice that we are getting scatterbrained and aimless. (I suspect Gerd thought about it, but kept it to himself).

#hinlybeautiful #Ostanatolia 1TP5Highlands #scenicRoad
"Life pure!" is a collection of our very personal travel moments. We are on an open-ended and no-plan trip 🌍 on a motorbike 🏍.
1TP5livepur 1TP5livepurontheway 1TP5livepurontheway #ourism #travel #outdoorsatitsbest #ravelwithoutaplan #mototravel #motorcycletravel #traveltheworld #collectmomentsnotthings #urkey #urkey

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