06 December 2021

great journey 🇨🇭 day 461 when you are there for others 6 days a week there is time for you on the 7th day

Great Journey 🇨🇭 Day 461
"If you are there for others six days a week, on the seventh day there is time for you". Or so the chestnut seller tells us. "And if it gets even better, you spend time with people who like to be there for you."

The portion of Bible studies paired with numerology is good for us. We nibble on hot chestnuts, listen to the entertaining oddball who, in the space of a few minutes, has poured down more life wisdom on us than we have ever read on quotation postcards, and warm ourselves by the fire.

Because the wind high up on the Kronberg was whistling quite right. The fresh snow, the sun and the mountain air lured us up. Suddenly we're standing at the top, with a view of the cloudy Säntis, and we realise in retrospect that we two snow lovers have missed out on an entire winter. Now we are enjoying the snow and the mountains to the full.

I dash through the snow, notice quite quickly that the snow is not only ankle-deep everywhere and let myself fall into the powder.

Our faces are beaming, our hearts are jumping and our fingers are almost frozen. The sun only warms us up to a certain extent, but the coffee and hot chocolate do. We enjoy this Sunday with friends and friends of friends. A wonderful 7th day!

#kronberg #Snowlove #EndlichWinter 1TP5Wisdomoftheday



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