Big Trip - Little Break 🇨🇭 Day 610 (approximately)
Our break from travelling turns out to be a break from rest. We get into deadline pressure, self-made, of course. We realise that we have really enjoyed having hardly any appointments over the last 600 days or so.
And also notice that we are changed. That we perceive completely different things or things differently. That we recognise disruptions as disruptions, that we dislike deadline pressure and that we are drawn more than ever to nature.
We enjoy meetings with friends and family without much action, drink litres of blue flower water, read (we have been given wonderful books!) and listen to many audio books. Chatting and realising that many people back home have been through a much more intense time in the last 2 years or so than we have on our bonding journey. We admire their strength, their courage and their patience.
We try to have only one appointment a day, taking a lot of time for people at that very moment. And in the evening, we are drawn to lakes or the mountains of the Jura. Then we are with ourselves, completely with ourselves.
And again and again the question comes up - sometimes timidly, sometimes very directly - when we intend to come back. Really, really back. To a real, normal life with a flat, a job and so on. We can't offer more than a shrug of the shoulders as an answer. Except that we are living the right life right now. For us, it is so right right now. Our own "right".
1TP5Reflection #ravel break 1TP5Self-observation
"Life pure!" is a collection of our very personal travel moments. We are on an open-ended and no-plan journey in a van 🚐.
1TP5Lifepur 1TP5Lifepurontheway 1TP5Lifepurontheway #to befree #grosstravel #outdoorsisbest #travelwithoutplan #traveltheworld #collectmomentsnotthings #slowwaymayberound #Switzerland #switzerland #suisse #meinglobetrottermoment #camperlife #vanlifegermany #vanlife #lastrada #lastradareisemobile