07 October 2021

great journey 🏍 day 395 🇹🇷 gerd a beautiful day and yet somehow everything stupid. that would be

Great Journey 🏍 Day 395
🇹🇷 Gerd
A beautiful day and yet somehow everything is stupid.

That would be the description of today. I'm going straight ahead. Very much straight ahead. A "problem" arrives from the office and I chew on it the whole way. (My job is to solve problems for a Swiss company in IT. There are problems that are easy to solve. And then there are the others. Today one of the others was on the agenda).

I also notice that I am lonely. A phone call with Heike shows that she feels the same way. We miss each other.

Mimimi, both of us.

And then, at a petrol station, I take out my laptop because I finally remembered the solution. Say again that we Bernese are not agile!

The woman at the petrol station comes to me, brings me a cup of tea and is pleased when she notices that I speak German. She starts chatting to me and we laugh together. She had been in Nuremberg for 14 years and loves Germany. I mention carefully that I'm not from Germany at all. She ignores that and beams. I should say hello to Germany. And my family! Oh no, I should say hello to all Germans.

So, here they are, the greetings to all Germans!

And so I can end a sentimental day with a smile after all.

#Sentimentaldays #mussauchmalsein #greetingstoGermany



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