Longer article - quick overview:
With the girlfriend to Graubünden. Or as I now know: to Graubünden.
A summer trip like in a fairy tale. I went with my girlfriend to Graubünden, more precisely to Bündnerland, to trudge through the mountains for 3 days. What a joy!
And now! Have a good time and some nice wishes for the summer, Heike & Gerd
Here are a few more links mentioned:
Alpine summer via COOP: http://www.coopzeitung.ch/Alpensommer+2018
The Hotel Capricorn, in German Capricorn: http://capricorns.ch/de/
Beverin Nature Park: https://www.graubuenden.ch/de/regionen-entdecken/schweizerischer-nationalpark-und-naturpaerke/naturpark-beverin
Info from myswitzerland: https://www.myswitzerland.com/de-ch/naturpark-beverin.html
Alpine hut Nurdagn: https://goo.gl/maps/yZPSf4w5NpK2 // http://www.viamala.ch/winter/erlebnisse/weitere-aktivitaeten/agrotourismus-alp-nurdagn.html
Kafi Fortuna in Lohn by Rebecca Clopath: https://rebecca-clopath.ch/
Podcast now also on Spotify - yes!