10 August 2020

10 August 2020

The flat is almost empty. Furniture, clothes, curtains and carpet are in storage. A slight indoor swimming pool feeling. It reverberates everywhere.
The motorbike travel bags almost ready packed.
We are 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Thank to-do list king+in. Actually, everything should feel good.

And then suddenly there is such melancholy.
Have we made the right decision?
Will we miss the cosy sofa?
Why do we want to be on the road all the time when it's so beautiful here in Switzerland?
Will the boss and customers go part of the way?
How much do we miss our loved ones, family and friends?
And why the heck did Slovenia close the borders to us Swiss?

Saying goodbye always involves a bit of sadness, letting go, as great as it is always described, is not exactly a hit. But it's probably also part of it. Big decision, big emotions? I don't know.

We get our strength from hiking, going for walks together and having lots of conversations (and in chocolate, who knows when we'll have Ovo-Crunchy next?). Knowing that this emotionality is also part of it. How somehow everything in life has two sides. And are planning, perhaps precisely because of this, two small farewell (or better perhaps tour opener) parties, one in Berlin, one here in Bern. We want to embrace friends and family once more, and take their blessings and hopefully also little lucky charms with us on our journey. And look forward to the time together.



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