11 May 2021

11 May 2021

Great Journey 🏍 Day 250
Everywhere in the country, red and white ribbons hang from the trees or lie on stones. At first we thought, why do they leave their stuff everywhere? When we keep spotting the same colour combination, I do a little research and land a hit:

Marteniza comes from the Bulgarian name for March and dates back to a time long ago. From the beginning of March, Bulgarians give each other these red and white ribbons and wear them on their left wrist (close to the heart!). Red is supposed to stand for health (red cheeks) and white for old age (white hair).

The red and white lucky charms are worn until the first sign of spring - a stork, a swallow or a blossoming tree - is seen. Now the ribbons are hung together with a wish on a tree or placed on a stone. And the wishes come true!

It's as simple as that here with the wishes.

#Marteniza #customs #onnextMarchwe'lldothat,too 1TP6Wishforsomethingsomething


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