Norway - Sandy Beach in Lofoten

great voyage 🇳🇴 day 553 - who says you can't surf in the arctic?

Great Journey 🇳🇴 Day 553
And who says you can't surf in the Arctic?
Everything above the 66th parallel is called the Arctic. After months up here, we now know why.

Just when I'm about to write that we think it's crazy to surf up here in Arctic territory, I have to smile. Aren't we a little crazy too? To spend the whole winter (and then it's longer than in Switzerland!) up here with the van.

Okay, so we don't have to discuss crazy people. Do we?

But something different: in Lofoten, or as we know since yesterday: in Lofoten, there are beautiful sandy beaches, blue-green sea and a South Sea feeling. If you want it.

The white beach invites you to sin. However, the sun is hiding behind the clouds for a change. We haven't had clouds without rain that often. The crisp wind, however, makes us put on an extra layer.

So it remains, we watch the surfers. We have a chat or two with other travellers and spend the day alternately in and in front of Felix, the warming tea cup in our hands.

We read the following about the Arctic and can now confirm it: "Arctic environmental factors are strong temperature differences, permafrost, extremely changing solar radiation and violent snowstorms that affect the vegetation through abrasion". But we also read that Lofoten is warmed by the Gulf Stream. Meaning: more rain, more useless weather in winter and less crisp cold. The one we loved so much in Lapland.

I guess it's about time to head south. Just a few more days of waiting for the sun, okay?

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