Sweden - Technology in the cold of Lapland

great journey 🇸🇪 day 531 we dive into the vast wild calm stunning impressive and e

Great Journey 🇸🇪 Day 531
We dive into the vast, wild, quiet, stunning, impressive and freezing cold Lapland far away from the main road. Felix's heater outlet smokes as if from a campfire, we are snug and warm.

Early in the morning after tea & coffee we muffle up in our entire selection of clothes and trudge off. Today we want to go hiking once again.

At first I think, what a pity that the snow scooter tracks are here through the extensive birch forest. But after only 5 minutes of trudging through the deep snow, we are glad of the narrow, packed track. Walking along this track.

Birches on the right. Birches on the left. Here a few animal tracks. There, behind the birch trees, snow hares are jumping around far too quickly for our slow-travel-trance bag photographers. We walk on. Birches.

Half an hour later, the sun finally makes it over the mountains and warms us. It also casts slanting shadows in the snow. We hike, hike, hike. For lack of hiking trails, we simply follow the scooter tracks.

At a lake (or meadow? It's covered in snow!) we take a break, drink our thermos empty and admire our cameras, which consistently mark their batteries with "empty". While we do something against the cold (exercise, tea, something...) the batteries simply do nothing!

We know, of course, that real traveller photographers are prepared. With warmed battery bags, cameras or batteries transported in inner pockets or heated blankets for sensitive technology. We are simply hobby photographers and hike with our cameras at the ready. And hope every day anew that it will get warmer. Spring will come sometime, won't it?

But here, too, we beam at the beauty, let the sun shine on our faces and look up at Sweden's highest mountains. And just keep on hiking through the wilderness with heavy, non-functional photo equipment.

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