21 February 2021

21 February 2021

Great Journey 🏍 Day 172
May I introduce to you? The best "over-every-hump-stretch-chauffeur" in the world. I make myself comfortable on the back (there are supposed to be women who are no good as pillion riders, does anyone here recognise themselves?), hold the camera at the ready, fold down the visor for safety's sake (I don't know what that's supposed to do, but somehow I feel safer) and off I go.

Up the hill, one hairpin bend after the next.
Gerd does it really well, Malou is happy about her driver and is grateful that she is allowed to do it. Again and again I hear from the helmet how well our Malou drives, how she looks for the way and how little Gerd actually has to add.

I'll just take his word for it. And I suspect that he is right.

The descent is different. When braking, I like to slide forward a bit, so I could also take other hikers with me, there is still enough room on the seat behind me.

I'm wondering if I can give my braces another task. Should I clasp my braces to the back of the topcase? Then I won't always slide so far forward? Or should I attach suction cups to the seat of my trousers?

Or simply enjoy getting up close and personal for once? Whereby "close contact" is probably the wrong word. Protector-back-armour-feeling would probably be the right word.

What a wonderful tour. Thank you for chauffeuring me around the world, best of men!

#holterdipolter #zigzackumdieEcke #haarnadelkurve #geteertistanders


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