23 August 2022

great journey - ireland - day 715 finally a country that knows how it really works the irish ha

Grand Tour - Ireland - Day 715
Finally, a country that knows how it really works. The Irish have a self-image and a familiarity with the supernatural. Leprechauns, fairies, forest spirits and white women are not only at home in Ireland, many Irish people also acknowledge their existence without batting an eyelid.

Everywhere we see little fairy doors or colourfully decorated hanging houses in the trees that look like birdhouses.

Of course, the fairies and ghosts climb around on Felix from time to time in the morning, we hear them tapping very softly. Or they hide hair clips in the drone's pocket - they are also little pranksters. Quite often they even play Gerd the better SkipBo cards.

Since we don't have a fairy door on Felix, it must be enough that we always have a fresh bouquet of flowers in the van. That way they probably feel at home with us too.

Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to discover the leprechauns. Why? Well, they live at the end of the rainbows and guard the gold. However, the sun has been shining beautifully for days. No rainbow. But we have an explanation for that too: the leprechauns are on holiday. And they have taken rain and rainbows with them.

All in all, a very wonderful world here, the visible and the invisible to the eyes.

#WildAtlanticWay @thewildatlanticway

Merci for "travelling with us

We are thinking about taking another break from travelling in the summer and visiting our families in Germany and Switzerland. One of the ideas is to organise a Lecture about our long journey to the Persian Gulf to prepare. If you would like to, what would interest you the most? We will also tell stories here that don't find a place here on the blog. We're thinking of the Bern and Berlin area - simply because we have family there. But other places are also conceivable. Feel free to write to us.

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Rachel Hirt
Rachel Hirt
1 year ago

Good morning you two dear....
You are in a beautiful world right now.
I really like fairies, goblins and forest spirits.
They also like to live in my garden 😉
Have a wonderful day! 🌞
Or is today a working day?
LG Rachel
