23 March 2020

23 March 2020

Looking at the packing list of things we'll be taking with us from August (or whenever), I'm surprised at how much stuff there will be. As an Excel list fan, I'm sorry to admit that I've listed everything. Yes, as I write this I'm a bit embarrassed too.
But when I walk through our flat right now, I realise that there is still a huge amount of stuff to be put away or stored. Our idea (we're not talking about plans any more at the moment!) would be to be able to furnish a two-bedroom flat after the trip without making any big investments. So the rest can be given to other hands. It's our turn, slowly room after room is emptying.
Goal: We will be living in this (see picture!) one-bedroom flat with the entire world as our garden and millions of stars above us at night in the luxury version.

Yes, now you could throw in the C-word. You could. True. But let's imagine that in the summer or autumn we get to travel again. Let's imagine we've been moping around until then. Let's imagine we hadn't pushed ahead with our travel preparations. Let us then imagine that we were not ready. How annoyed we would be.
And one thing is clear to us: getting angry is a waste of time, no matter what the time!

But let's imagine we couldn't travel in August. Then we would still have a clean flat, we would have freed ourselves from ballast. We would still have indulged in our travel preparations for months. Wouldn't be the worst idea. Wouldn't it?

And until then: here are occasional thoughts on our current travel preparations paired with pictures from our teeny-tiny photo archive 😉 - - "Leben pur!" is a collection of our very personal travel moments. Currently we are planning (or something like) our biggest adventure. We want to set off on an open-ended, no-plan trip ? on two motorbikes ?? in 2020. - - 1TP5Lifepur 1TP5Lifepurontheway 1TP5Lifepurontheway #rideonmalou #r1250gs #advriders #womanrider #gsadventure #bmwmotorbike #bmwadvriders #gsgirl #grossereise #makelifearide #whyweride #outdoors.



Where. Here:




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