23 September 2020

23 September 2020

Great Journey 🏍🏍 Day 21

I'm sitting at the dining table in the middle of an enchanting town in the Czech Republic (which I didn't even know existed until a week ago) in a rustic holiday flat with a view of the old town. My beloved across from me. We unfolded our offices, backs to each other, and placed our laptops on empty cooking pots to elevate them a little.

In my ears, my favourite Spotify list drowns out the telco he has been conducting in French for hours. I'm working on the InDesign templates and he's apparently working on some databases, because between the French sentences I don't understand, words like Filemaker, database, server and download fall.

And suddenly I'm tingling like crazy. We're really doing this, aren't we? We are on a journey. On our big trip. We're combining 1 day of work (okay, a few more at first) a week with 6 days of world discovery. We're dawdling along, just living what we've dreamed of for 5 years, which is why we've been working more than was healthy for the last few years, putting everything possible back into the travel fund.

Every day I wake up early, think briefly about where we are at the moment and realise that as long as Gerd is lying next to me, I am at home. No matter where. Years ago, I would never have imagined that this was possible. And then, at some point, a small thought began to be a seed. It was quickly sown. First a tender little plant, still in secret, so that no one could trample it. Then we nurtured the little plant together until we dared to tell family and friends about our dream. Because now we were sure that others could no longer destroy this vision.   

We found sceptics, fearful people and dream destroyers à la "that's not possible at all"! But we met many more people who encouraged us, who showed us how to do it, who also wanted to do it, who asked where to go, how long, with what, why. Who wanted to know everything. With every question, we also got closer to our own answers. And now we are actually sitting in this fantastically beautiful city in the Czech Republic, of whose existence we knew nothing until recently, and we are right in the middle of our own adventure. We take our time, extend our stay by two nights to simply slow down. We have simply rushed too much in the last few years. And when we have looked at everything here, listened, eaten and felt the city, we saddle up our two treasures and drive on.

The next destination? Austria. Salzburg. And on the way we will experience so many beautiful things again. Take detours. Being surprised. And at some point we will wake up again to see that we are at home together. No matter where.


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