Great Journey ๐ณ๐ด Day 557/3
Actually, we were only on the road for 3 days. One day Nordlandsbanen and two days by ship.
And it feels like we have to process impressions from several weeks. Our bellies are tingling with beautiful impressions.
We join our Felix, who has been waiting dutifully for us at the petrol station, and roll off. Silence in the cottage. The thoughts have to be sorted, the experiences put in order. It's good that we now have a quiet stretch ahead of us: we are now driving the route for the third time, this time with the camper: Bodรธ - Trondheim.
We remember all the stories we have heard about "the Norwegians", if "the Norwegians" exist at all.
We now know,
๐ that Norwegians are only happy when they can get out into nature
๐บ that they are like thermos flasks: cool on the outside with a hard shell, but when you get to the inside they are warm-hearted
that the famous Norwegian jumper is only called Norwegian abroad, here it is called the Marius pattern (this was even disputed in court once!)
that the famous Kvikk Lunsj, a chocolate biscuit snack, is in no way similar to the world-famous KitKat, and that this has also been decided in court. We will of course be happy to check this out, but can only say for sure after a direct comparison. To this end, we have now loaded Felix up with Kvikk Lunsj in the hope that we will manage to keep a few more objects for comparison until Sweden.
that trolls only travel at night, as soon as daylight touches them, they petrify. That's why Norway has so many mountains, they are all petrified trolls. And all the overland cables are not for electricity, but troll-catching devices. The government wants only trolls under a certain size to be allowed to roam (because of the tourists and all that).
that "the Norwegian" first talks about leisure activities, then about the family and only much, much later about work. That's a wonderful thing and we'll try to adopt it.
Welcome to the land of legends!
#heTypicalNorwegian #norwegian #legends