24 November 2021

great journey day 445 am i the only one who likes to hear the saxon dialect around dresden?

Great Journey Day 445
Am I the only one who likes to hear the Saxon dialect around Dresden? If you can believe the conventional wisdom, then yes.

For me, it sounds like "back in the day", like Christstollen, like hiking in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and like people who are close to us. After "Just come by, you are cordially invited at any time!

We park our Felix in the courtyard of friends, eat un-baked cheesecake (what a lot there is!) and drink (watch out, we're drinking!) Saxon white wine, which we even like. The evening stretches pleasantly, in the conversations we save the world and crawl into our cosy bed late at night.

Only to be woken up in the morning, very early, by the Lößnitzgrundbahn, a steam-puffing and, unfortunately, also körööö-trilling narrow-gauge steam train. We had completely forgotten that we had our sleeping place right next to the station in Radebeul. But the friendly railway staff reminded us at 5.15 am.

After a leisurely breakfast, we then explore the Saxon wine slopes, boot the 365 or more steps up to the Spitzhaus, admire the view of the misty Elbe countryside and buy some Dresden Stollen for the return journey.

Our small test round (we first want to see how we are vanlifig on the road, what we are missing, what we have packed too much etc.) develops into a very wonderful tour.

#campingontheYard #radebeul #spitzhaus #saxonWine



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