28 February 2022

great journey ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด day 5382 the main road leads over a small border crossing pass. sch

Great Journey ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด Day 538/2
The main road leads over a small border crossing pass.
Road closed 20 kilometres before the border. Too much wind. Maybe it will go on today (it's just 1 pm), but maybe not until tomorrow.

We queue up, make some tea and wait for things to happen. The truck drivers and we have a clear advantage this time, we have a bed and kitchen with us.

At some point the (the?) Schnee-Schnรผtzi comes, pushes snow aside and whirls thousands of snowflakes into mist. We get the signal to drive in column behind. Then the road patrol (police?) follows us. That way no one can get lost.

At the border, we were told that nothing more was possible today. On the Norwegian side, a number of trucks have squeezed together tetrismically and blocked the road. The trucks in our queue pull out huge snow chains. We cook chilli. And the umpteenth pot of tea. Rinse. We go to the customs house a few times, pretend to be interested and instead go to the heated toilet there and dispose of our washing-up water.

When everything is tidied up, we finally move on (were they waiting for us?). Again in convoy, 25 kilometres to just before Narvik. In front Schnee-Schnรผtzi, then the small cars, then us and after us the road patrol. We'll never know if the trucks will get any further this night.

In Narvik, it is now shortly before midnight, we stand under a bridge - it could hardly be more unromantic - on a small parking space and quickly crawl into the nest. The steady rumble of the cars on the bridge makes us fall asleep and unfortunately wake up far too early in the morning.

But that too is a vagabond's life, as mum always says. Not everything is always great. But now we are in Norway, a new country, new adventures, new landscape, different language and: still winter!



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