28 October 2021

big trip 🚐 day 419 we thought about it for a long time. and finally, after a few days of rehearsals, we decided to go for it.

Great Journey 🚐 Day 419
We thought about it for a long time.
And finally, after a few trial days, made a pros and cons list.
The list of contraindications for a vehicle with 4 wheels and walls is long, here is a small excerpt:

🤓 Gerd is always looking for his reading glasses
Farts stick around much longer, do not fly on as quickly
🏜 To be able to look at nature, you have to open the window and stop.
🕺 With the motorbike you are much closer to the people
🛣 Sure, you can't get everywhere, but it's easier to pull over quickly on a motorbike.
🧳 Our minimal pack system will probably dissolve into thin air sooner or later.
🤷🏻‍♀️ The "Wow, I couldn't live with so little" bonus is now completely gone
🏍 The curve position is less oblique
Gerd will not be riding a motorbike again for a while.

The pro list includes such significant things as:

🧶 I can take as much knitwear as I like
🛌 Take a nap simply where and when we are tired at the moment
🐈 Space for sufficient cat attractant (or a cat at once)
🏻‍♀️ I don't have to ride the motorbike anymore

If we were to go by the facts, the motorbike would be clearly ahead. And despite having this clever list, we ignore it. Decide with our hearts and guts (and whatever else is responsible) and soon get into our van.

Whether it is?
We can say in a few months.
Do we feel comfortable?
Let's see then.

#vanlife #wirnunals #proundcontra #Bauchdecision
🖥️ www.facebook.com/Leben.pur
"Life Pure!" is a collection of our very personal travel moments. We are on an open-ended and no-plan journey.
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