Tunisia - Handicrafts and their funny sides

Handicrafts and their funny side

We sit down to breakfast. Our first Tunisian breakfast. Because - we admit it - we don't really like to eat anything in the morning. 

But today we felt like it, it looks cosy in one of the harbour restaurants and we want to watch the hustle and bustle. 

So we order breakfast. "Yes, that's per person, you should already order two!" Later, we'll roll out of the restaurant as bottled balls. Trouser buttons undone because of bullet-ridden bellies! And the bags full of packed things we couldn't manage.

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Normally we play cards when we are sitting somewhere cosy. Today, however, I my knitwear After all, this one endless project should finally be finished. (Note to self: never start a jumper with needle size 2.5 again!)

As we sit there, more and more people look around at us. Smile. They look away for a moment, only to look at us a little later with everyone at their table. This goes on for a while until I realise that they are amazed at the knitting. 

A little later they are standing with us, wondering how you can talk and knit at the same time (ha, I'm a pro at that!). They feel the jumper (or what will one day be a jumper!) and ask if they can buy it from me. Gerd, who acts as an excellent translator, says with a laugh that it could go on for another year. It's more like a project of the century! Everyone laughs. 

They would have learned to knit once. In the past, as children. But today none of them can do it anymore. Gerd points out to them that I also learn everything (except the basics from Mum) from YouTube videos.

And then comes something that will never be clear to me, but is probably normal "here". They want to take a photo with me and the jumper. First one woman, then the other. Mobile phones are exchanged. Later, the man of the house takes a seat next to me for a picture together. 

And we laugh. A lot and with all our hearts. The people sitting next to us are infected and laugh too. I'm a little worried that I (or actually my half-finished jumper - maybe I'll make it into a sweater, then I'd almost be finished!) will be immortalised on all the smartphones, but the excitement gradually subsides and we can go our separate ways.

A great breakfast, all in all.

Handicrafts and their funny side

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Merci for "travelling with us

We are thinking about taking another break from travelling in the summer and visiting our families in Germany and Switzerland. One of the ideas is to organise a Lecture about our long journey to the Persian Gulf to prepare. If you would like to, what would interest you the most? We will also tell stories here that don't find a place here on the blog. We're thinking of the Bern and Berlin area - simply because we have family there. But other places are also conceivable. Feel free to write to us.

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