Iran - Persia's cradle Pasargadae & Felix becomes an adventure mobile

Iran - Persia's cradle Pasargadae & Felix becomes an adventure mobile

We are too late, the snow-covered pass and the old tree have taken too much time. So we're standing in front of Persia's cradle in the car park. All alone. We cook ourselves something nice and go to bed early. Which is a good thing, because the muezzin and the barking dogs wake us up early. Very early.

And so we are at the entrance gate to the UNESCO World Heritage Site at 8 a.m. on the dot. And we have to laugh because we wonder how anyone can be here so early. Which, in retrospect, turns out not to be such a good idea. Because at 8 o'clock in the morning it is still -1° and there is a strong wind whistling. So we walk across the archaeological site, our caps pulled low over our faces and our hoods pulled back over our heads.

More than 2500 years ago, Cyrus II had an imposing city built on a high plateau, marking the beginning of the expansion of his initially small empire. Trembling, we hurry past the presumed burial site of Cyrus II, along endless paths, always against the whistling wind. Suddenly a car pulls up next to us, one of the guards must have taken pity on us and drives us through the grounds. He can't explain anything to us, but we no longer have to trudge the more than 5 kilometres across the windy area. Thank you, you wonderful saviour!

Now that we have visited all parts of the excavation site and warmed up in the moving car in between, we say goodbye to our helper and walk the remaining kilometres back: and the best thing is that the sun is slowly warming us and the wind is coming from behind, so it is no longer blowing in our faces.

The cafés in front of the archaeological site are still not open, so I don't expect the Swiss to be so early. So I make us a pot of tea, we have a cosy breakfast and off we go. I've found a cool canyon that we'd like to visit. We also hope to have less icy wind in the canyon.

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

So we set off, but at some point the right road ends and Gerd becomes unsure. Okay, then we'll just walk a bit, it's probably nice back there. Gerd drives on instead of walking (is he sick of my hiking ideas in the freezing cold?). Slowly, the road resembles a track that has been washed out by the rain but has thankfully dried out. Our Felix is doing well, rocking left, rocking right. Our cutlery is once again completely reorganised in the drawer.

At some point, I get out and should walk ahead to check the situation. And especially the turning options, if there are still any. To be on the safe side, I take the camera with me and show from afar that the coast is clear.

Back here, in the last "Chracher", there's nobody around. It's probably a 10 kilometre walk back to town. I sincerely hope that our Felix will make it there and back. For a moment, we both push these thoughts aside and enjoy the vastness of this landscape. What a stunning sight!

Oh yes, of course Felix has mastered everything superbly and we secretly believe that under our constant training he has moulted into an expedition vehicle all by himself. Well done, dear, faithful, grey-blue companion!

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

Merci for "travelling with us

Our first lectures in Switzerland are planned. Others in Germany could follow. We'll see. We would love to take you into the Persian world somewhere in western Germany and also in the Berlin area. We are still looking for venues. If you know anything, please write to us.


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1 month ago

Good morning Heike and Gerd.

I'm currently visiting Vienna and I have to say:
All "pipifax" compared to your experiences. 😂
Tourimist, as I also like to say.
But well, we're visiting my friend's old sister.

Thank you once again for your description of your wonderful impressions.

Gerd, no cats in sight? 🤣

I wish you a wonderful onward journey with your Aliot.
(all-in-one printing) 😉

Kind regards

1 month ago
Reply to  Rachel

Du Liebe, die Ursache aller Probleme ist der Vergleich.
Also, geniess Wien und vergleich dich nicht!

Wenn wir das täten, wären wir ständig traurig. Hier besser Offroad-Möglichkeiten, dort mehr geschichtliches Wissen / Interesse. Wieder woanders mehr Sprachkenntnisse.

Ach, das ist doch mühsam. Findest du nicht?

Ganz liebe Grüsse von der minimalen, aber dennoch vorhandene Katzenwelt!
Kind regards - Heike & Gerd
