Great Journey 🏴 Day 691

great journey 🏴 day 691 today we will say goodbye to edinburgh.

Today we will say goodbye to Edinburgh. What a beautiful city. We take the road under our wheels for the last time, the first time for Felix. Felix pushes his way through the narrow streets, finds a nice parking space and we really take our time in the Botanical Gardens. It seems we want to celebrate the farewell.

In the garden café, a familiar language is heard from the neighbouring table: somehow Russian, but not really. The question rumbles around inside us: how do you ask where you come from in these times of war when you want to refer to Russian? We try it elegantly: "Your language seems familiar to us, but only in parts. Where are you from?" And we succeed: they are Bulgarians from Plovdiv. Our hearts leap, we beam and already we have something in common: we all love this city.

In the conversation, which we then have in English (phew, our Bulgarian starts and ends when we order food), we go from small to large. The sun is shining, the botanical garden spreads out in front of us and we couldn't care less what happens next today. Here and now, the quality of our journey is once again visible: we can take the time we need.

Thank you, wonderful people, for letting us leave the garden smiling and happy. Thank you for the wonderful, hour-long coffee break with you!

Before we really leave Edinburgh, we take a short stroll through Dean Village. Which actually means nothing more than a deep valley and is - within walking distance of the city centre - a very enchanting village in its own right. Today it's a really nice place to live, but in the past it was a flour mill area with 11 mills on the river at the gates of the city.

Thank you Edinburgh for your serenity, for your beauty, for your peace and your "hidden gems".

#Edinburgh #BotanicGardenEdinburgh #DeanVillage



Merci for "travelling with us

We are thinking about taking another break from travelling in the summer and visiting our families in Germany and Switzerland. One of the ideas is to organise a Lecture about our long journey to the Persian Gulf to prepare. If you would like to, what would interest you the most? We will also tell stories here that don't find a place here on the blog. We're thinking of the Bern and Berlin area - simply because we have family there. But other places are also conceivable. Feel free to write to us.

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