Dec 08, 2018 @ 14:07

Dec 08, 2018 @ 14:07

Swissnex San Francisco - - Visiting Swissnex in San Francisco was pure inspiration for me. Start-ups that want to gain a foothold on the west coast of the USA are supported here. Networking is very important here. Mentors and mentees meet in the open co-working space, and contacts are made here. And the participants of the 3-week programme are familiarised with the peculiarities of the local business world. You don't have to put your foot in every mouth yourself. There is an incredible pioneering spirit here. Haeme, with whom we travel, speaks of "balm on his soul" when he hears how business is done here. I feel the same way. - - The secure world in Switzerland (and also in Germany) makes us a little sluggish, I think. It leaves the power of innovation somewhat by the wayside. Still, not all that glitters is gold. But considering that the average start-up founder in Switzerland is 41, the stormy, wild, energetic and cool years of the early 20s and 30s are really lost. A pity really. Why not start up several times, why not just fall down sometimes. Someone once said that it's not bad to fall down. The important thing is to stand up once more than to fall down. - - Keeping on going is also one of those things, always developing yourself, your product, your service, your knowledge, your world view. - - - It's probably not so easy to combine the easy-going "just do it" mentality from here with the "wait and see what might happen first" mentality from Central Europe. - - Learning at swissnex: It's my turn to combine the good qualities of both worlds, to live in such a way that something really good comes out of it. That I go through (business) life courageously, a little risky and above all full of energy. That at some point I can say: "Yes, this life was worth it, it was fun. And do you remember back then, when everything seemed to be going down the drain, I really learned a lot!" - - - - #siliconvalley #inspiration #inspirationsiliconvalley 1TP5California #moliri #heikeburch #indesign #Publishing

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