Great Journey Day 637/2

great journey day 6372 the history of medicine. instead of castles english gardens or

The history of medicine.
Instead of castles, English gardens or wool shops, I lure my husband to the medical-historical museum.

Once again we can't pay the parking fee (no cash payment possible, only English credit cards, parking apps only available in the English Appstore), once again a friendly lady helps us out.

When we are finally museum-ready, we quickly realise how happy we are about today's medicine. Yes, we are more at home on alternative health paths, but still: a certain amount of medical care for emergencies lets us travel with peace of mind.

In the museum we see (unfortunately very vividly) the beginnings of tooth extraction and the iron lung. We get a rather vivid explanation of how legs were amputated without anaesthesia and germ-free during the war and even before. Where the cautery iron belonged to the basic equipment and we discover (thank God outdated) "propaganda" and its forms of therapy at that time on topics such as contraception, menstruation and homosexuality.

Huiuiui - society is still far from where we would like it to be in terms of integrity awareness, but compared to a few years or centuries ago, it is already much further ahead.

After two hours we sit again in the Felix, I make us a cosy little doll and we discuss our new knowledge: A lot of it was exciting, some of it we would have liked to see as an animated comic and not in real life, and it's a good thing we hadn't eaten beforehand. Because our stomachs turned strangely every now and then...

#thackray #museumofmedicine @thackraymuseum


Merci for "travelling with us

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