Greece - Olive Tree Pruning Clean-up Workers on the Job

Greece - Olive Tree Pruning Clean-up Workers on the Job

"Mary could use some help." With sentences like these, we became helpers two years ago. This time it is Mary we can help.

We are picked up at 10 am, because it is already clear in advance that we will never get up and down the road with Felix. Equipped with old work jumpers from Heiner and a lot of energy, we set off for the olive grove. The olives have already been harvested (phew, thank God), the trees expertly pruned. Now all the branches are lying around the trees. And has to be removed somehow.

So off we go, dragging branches and half trunks through the middle of the most beautiful flower meadows. Gerd flexes his muscles and pushes the wheelbarrow with half trees and heavy pieces of wood up the hill. I opt for the light version, collect the smaller branches, drag them around and pile them up into huge heaps. It's too windy for a small fire today. Because fires are unfortunately very dangerous here.

For lunch Maria spoils us with vegetable curry and stories about life in Greece. Already in the afternoon we notice that our bodies are a little irritated despite our continued motivation. They probably didn't expect so much exercise.

The evening, we sit on our terrace and moan softly to our aching muscles, will be much shorter today. We quickly get into bed, lie down, stretch our legs and immediately fall into a deep sleep.

Full of satisfaction about another beautiful day in Koroni, we fall asleep.

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Merci for "travelling with us

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