Iran - Qeshm - A second dolphin tour and a small island tour

Iran - Qeshm - A second dolphin tour and a small island tour

We don't let up, we want to see these dolphins. So we get on a boat early again and try to spot dolphins. I get ahead of myself: We won't see any again.

So we are travelling with a few Iranian tourists on one of these small boats, once again. Our captain is a young man and he thinks he can entertain us all with music. With loud music. Not just loud, but really loud. Noise to my ears. (Did I mention that we hardly ever have the radio on, because I'm quite sensitive to noise?)

The first bars ring out and the Iranian travellers go off like "a bag of mosquitoes", as they say. There is clapping, singing, dancing and stomping to the beat. Party people in the house.

I'm not really awake yet, find nature quite beautiful even without music and quietly remind myself that dolphins are quite sensitive creatures when it comes to noises, vibrations and so on. But I'm probably wrong. The captain will know how to attract the dolphins.

So we do one lap after another around the supposed dolphin spots. My mood is low, Gerd is much better at dealing with noise and disappointment.

Of course, every boat trip also includes this shopping tour on the island. I would love to be in a good mood, but my nerves are frayed by the noise and I don't want to do any more. And we never feel like shopping anyway. So we order a cosy breakfast and watch the hustle and bustle. A little later we continue: again small fish and huge crabs. I somehow switch off and try not to get angry. But today I just don't want to succeed.

There are days like that.

We're back at the van by 10am, I go to bed and pretend we didn't even get up. After a cosy coffee, I start the day afresh. Gerd smiles mildly, because he made my coffee and knows how to deal with a grumpy Heike.

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

In the afternoon, the tide turns, one of the singers from the hostel joins us and together we drive across the island once again. We walk to Naz Island again at low tide, visit another cave (Kharbas Cave) and finally end up in Qeshm City at the Portuguese fortress and a fresh water filling station.

Fresh water can only be bought on the island, as the water from the normal tap is very salty. With fresh groceries in the fridge, a freshly filled water tank and in high spirits (finally!), we spend the evening on our favourite Shildi beach again. Somehow we like it best there.

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

pure life

Merci for "travelling with us

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