Italy - Peace of mind in Manfria

Italy - Peace of mind in Manfria

We are looking for a nice place to be, to read, to tell stories and also to work. The following conditions must be met: strong internet, quiet location and preferably a great view.

Said, wished, found.

Here our souls find peace. We play SkipBo extensively, walk up and down the beach and watch the fishermen. We still wonder how you can fish on the beach in stormy seas. But apparently it is possible. Because after a few fish have taken a bite, they pack their boxes and head home, probably for dinner.

The nearby town of Gela is a destination for anyone interested in ancient Greek culture and its history. The town is said to be one of the oldest settlements in Sicily. And: The beach a few kilometres from Gela, where we spend the days all alone, is enough for us.

And I write. In the meantime, I notice how good writing does me. I can reflect, to-think and then let go. For me, travel therapy.

And then the idea of perhaps putting some of the experiences into a book, very oldschool on paper (or perhaps modern as an e-book?) keeps cropping up. The idea slowly solidifies. And together we think about how we can realise it in the near future. Because for a book you need a bit more time and, above all, peace and quiet. Time at a stretch, not by the hour. (Which could mean that the blog will remain silent here for a while. But that could also mean that we need test readers... *wink*).

Let's see what time brings. Because one thing is clear: if it is to be a book, fate, the universe, God (or whatever we want to call this force) will ensure that time, space and circumstances are available.

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Hallelujah, THAT was cold! (10 seconds can feel like forever!)

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Merci for "travelling with us

Here you can find our future lectures:

Date: 24 November 2024 4 pm (doors open at 3 pm)
Location: Germany, Landgasthof zum Mühlenteich 15345 Eggersdorf near Berlin

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