Jan 14, 2018 @ 12:08

Jan 14, 2018 @ 12:08

In the rotunda of Mosta, you are not allowed in the middle, so unfortunately I could not stand directly under the dome. Well, like this. ⠀
There is a nice and a sad story about this church. First the nice one: At that time, the people of Mosta wanted to build a new church directly on the site of their old, somewhat smaller church. But they did not want to part with the old church for the time being. So for many years (almost 30 years) they simply built a bigger church around the smaller, older one. And when the larger, new one was finished, the smaller one, which was now inside, was torn down and demolished. All craftsmen were allowed to take pieces of stone home with them, and these are now given from family to family as lucky tokens... ⠀
Another sad one (but with a happy ending)? Well, during the war Malta was heavily bombed by the Germans. A huge bomb hit in the middle of the service, slammed through the roof, fell to the ground and didn't explode. There were no people sitting in the few seats. Not a single person was hurt. Thank Mary. #mostarotunda #happytoken #auseckigmachrund #kuppel

Where. Here: Rotunda of Mosta

[igp_map lat="35.9100805556″ lon="14.4259″ marker="Rotunda of Mosta" style="ROADMAP" class="" width="400″ height="300″ width_type="pixel" height_type="pixel" zoom="15″]
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