Germany - With our daughter at Lake Constance

Pure life. On the road! - with our daughter at Lake Constance

While we were able to meet our son immediately after arriving in Switzerland, we had to wait a bit for our daughter: but now we finally see her again. We meet her, her boyfriend and our "granddog" and spend a short week together. 

Our first excursion takes us to Lake Constance. The sun is shining and we are once again thrilled about this beautiful autumn. We tell each other the latest news, enjoy the time together and all laugh together about the little "tidbits" of our granddog. 

Lake Constance itself is not normally our favourite destination, but today it shows itself from its most beautiful side. And as long as promenades with sunny cafés are inviting, we'll be there.

We are looking forward to our time together and are taking it easy for now. 

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Merci for "travelling with us

We are thinking about taking another break from travelling in the summer and visiting our families in Germany and Switzerland. One of the ideas is to organise a Lecture about our long journey to the Persian Gulf to prepare. If you would like to, what would interest you the most? We will also tell stories here that don't find a place here on the blog. We're thinking of the Bern and Berlin area - simply because we have family there. But other places are also conceivable. Feel free to write to us.

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