Sustainability, common good, future viability?

Sustainability, common good, future viability?

As promised, every now and then we want to take up a few topics that have "slipped our way" in recent years. And before we do, a little explanation as to why these topics - yes, it's not just one! - are somehow so important to us.

First of all, the Earth itself would probably prefer it if we disappeared from it as quickly as possible. Then it would have enough time to recover from us humans. And: it would also be granted it.

But the fact is that we, especially the two of us, would like to see our children grow up, perhaps even our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And it would be even better if all future generations would still inhabit and experience (in the sense of LIVE) this beautiful earth as we are allowed to experience it.

That is why we like to talk about acting and living in a way that is fit for grandchildren or fit for the future. Sustainability is part of this, but it is only one part. But more about that later.

Small insertion: yes, what we are trying to do is only a small drop in the ocean. We see three "parties" as having a duty: politics, the economy and all private individuals. It's clear where we stand, isn't it? The others are also welcome to assume their responsibility.

I'll admit it, I've been "delighting" my family for years (or is it decades?) with vegan food, plastic-free cooking or our zero-waste household, let's say. We've come quite a long way. But then I have reverted to being a vegetarian since our trip. This is a compromise for us, not a nice one, but a doable one.

This leads us straight to the topic of compromise: there are endless possibilities on the path to sustainability. To start with, I would write down everything that is sustainable in life/van life and pick out the things that are easy for me anyway. It's simply a better way to start. And why do you always have to stress yourself out perfectionistically?

A few examples?

Unpackaged soap instead of shower gel, diluted vinegar instead of toilet cleaner, curd or bile soap in cardboard packaging instead of liquid detergent and fabric softener. Instead of meat and sausage every day, maybe only twice a week. Eat leftovers instead of throwing them away. Instead of new plastic bowls, cups and plates "specially made by the camping supplier", take some that we have too much of at home anyway, or get some from mum or mum-in-law, or buy some at a second-hand shop. Buy organic food now and then or more and more often instead of conventional food and thus protect people and the environment.

By the way: the so-called bamboo bowls are also mixed with plastic, which means they will later be hazardous waste again, and this takes about 500 years to rot! I'd rather use existing porcelain, or even old plastic bowls from the past or beautiful wooden bowls.

These are really small things that you can start with. And it's not about taking the perfect path right away. It's about taking individual steps. And above all: taking any steps at all.

And as you can guess, we don't have a clue about many topics yet, about some we do, and about some we are already afraid to do our own research.

We are also open to requests and questions, so if you have any tips, ideas, suggestions or questions, just write them in the comments or by email, however you like.

So, don't worry, there won't be something on this topic every day. Only from time to time, when we come across something (and want to summarise it in an article). In addition, we will add another category on sustainability to our website, where you will find a collection of articles. We are also thinking of separating this category from the daily newsletter. We'll see, you'll have to give us your feedback first!

Oh yes, one more thing: I learned one thing above all from my vegan time: Missionary work has never worked. And creating a guilty conscience has never worked either. So I have learned my (not so easy) lesson and we only report about our way. And try to accept all other paths in the same way. So bear with us!

Sustainability and the demarcation

The word Sustainability originally comes from forestry. Only as many trees were felled as could grow back. So it was a very ecological and also economical decision.

Nowadays, somehow everything is called sustainable, even corporate structures, teaching materials and emissions compensation for flights. It's something to think about.

We always try to talk about ecological sustainability, meaning that we conserve resources, put little or no strain on the environment and do not demand more from the earth than it can handle per person (in our simple words).

And yes, we keep at it. Sometimes we get tired of it, sometimes we lose motivation. Sure. And yet we tell ourselves: let's at least try! Because doing nothing has never led to anything better!

A few links on the topic

"Together into the future", a wonderful podcast, especially episode 13 is a good start

A wonderful film about possible solutions
Solutions. Rethinking the world

How do we live more sustainably?
In Swiss German, but maybe you can understand it as a German and a German?

TOMORROW - The world is full of solutions

17 Sustainable Development Goals

Thank you for reading our sustainability thoughts. Every two to three weeks on Mondays we write something about the possibility of living future-oriented in the van. We try to shed light on different areas and hope to do so without pointing fingers.

Our focus is on the joy of van life and the many possibilities. We want to avoid the usual doomsday and renunciation communication.

You can find all the sustainability posts collected in the Category Future.

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We are also very happy to hear your views, your tips or your questions. Just comment on the post!

Best regards - Heike & Gerd


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1 year ago

Hello you two.

Now I had written such a beautiful text , in reply, then came a Videonat from Switzerland from my daughter. 😁

When I returned here all the beautiful writing was gone! 😱

I don't want to start again. 😂

Have a good onward journey!

LG Rachel

1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel

Oh dear - pity about the text, good for your conversation with the daughter! ❣️
