Switzerland - Summer days and thoughts of tranquillity

Switzerland - Summer days and thoughts of tranquillity

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

We have come a long way. On our very own scale of distance. And we are satisfied with what we have achieved. We've spent the last few days and weeks in Switzerland, meeting up with family and friends. Indulging ourselves. And enchant ourselves in our stories about the world.

We look back on almost four years of travelling. And realise: Yes, it was the right thing to do. It feels good. And even now that we're still living in our Felix in Switzerland, it's just good that we're so mobile and flexible. We visit people who are important to us, sleep on their doorstep. Or simply drive to the mountains after work to enjoy a fondue in the evening in the middle of the week with the best view. Just like that.

We are in places we used to only visit at the weekend. We fall asleep at sunset on Lake Murten and wake up with raindrops on the roof. But the view of the lake remains. We are much closer to it than before. We've become calmer and can really savour the moment.

At the beginning of our journey, we thought that after a few months "Forced break" in Greece become calmer. Then we thought the Winter in Lapland would have made us calmer. Now, after almost four years, our loved ones tell us that we really have become calmer.

But what is peace and quiet?
Nina Kunz says: "Peace and quiet are the moments when I don't have the feeling that my value as a person is linked to an achievement. That can be in silence or when I'm running around the outdoor pool with friends." That's an interesting thought because, especially when we're back in Switzerland, we're constantly confronted with a mindset of success, stress, lots of work and deadline pressure.

When we sit in or in front of our Felix, looking at nature and listening to it, we feel a wonderful sense of calm. We are full of gratitude. And immediately the thoughts come to mind: "What will be?" and "What will happen next?". It's somehow exciting that you always want to be somewhere else, think about somewhere else or when. 

Perhaps a look at a book by my favourite author will help Byung-Chul Han. He writes: "True happiness owes itself to the purposeless and the useless, the deliberately awkward, the unproductive, the detouring, the extravagant, the superfluous, the beautiful forms and gestures that are of no use and serve no purpose. A leisurely stroll is a luxury compared to walking, running or marching. The ceremonial of inactivity means: we do, but for nothing. ... a basic formula of happiness.".

Okay, he goes on to write that self-sufficiency is bliss. Somehow beautiful. And equally unworldly. How, pray tell, are we supposed to live, eat, drink, earn our living in permanent inactivity? How are we supposed to earn our money, which, to be honest, we only need a little but still need something? What are we supposed to entertain ourselves with? What should give us pleasure?

And so the days go by. On Mondays and Tuesdays we work, on the other days we stroll from one beautiful place to another (and, to be honest, we work from time to time). We meet friends, go to the garage, finally do our tax return, go to music festivals, small concerts or hike through the countryside. And think about what the future might bring. But we haven't got very far with the subject of the future yet. Time and again, normal life intervenes and presents us with these very normal, everyday and beautiful moments.

And as is the case when there is nothing going on, there is much less to reflect on and therefore less to talk about. It also gets quieter here. Until we set off again, to beautiful journeys, great places, wonderful people and special experiences.

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Merci for "travelling with us

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6 months ago

Everything is wonderful, dear Heike and dear Gerd. 👍
Everything done right so far.
And it's also nice that you share it with all the people who can't for various reasons.
Like me, for example. 😁
I am happy with you and for you when I read your reports and look at the pictures. 🙏

You shouldn't think too much, I think.
Just do what you feel like doing.
If it's possible. 👍😉

Best wishes from the witch's house in the Fiat.....👋
