Switzerland - The Buskers in Bern

Switzerland - The Buskers in Bern

For years - actually, every time we're in Switzerland in August - we've been strolling through the Buskers.

Every year since 2004, a special event has taken place in Bern's old town in mid-August: the Buskers Bern Festival. Around 150 artists from all over the world come to this festival and enliven the city for three days.

They are mega-professional and show many different kinds of art. We've had music, juggling, magic, comedy, dance, fire-breathing, acrobatics and all kinds of weird but mega-fun stuff. The festival is very special, especially because it takes place in the beautiful old town of Bern (hello UNESCO World Heritage Site!). We read that about 60,000 people come to the festival every year.

So this year, after all, we're in town again, we have to go straight there. We choose Thursday. Thursday is always a bit quieter, less crowded and much more relaxed for us non-city fans. On Friday and Saturday, people crowd the streets and sometimes you feel like you're in the first rows at a rock concert: artists in the front, crowds in the back.

So we stroll through the city and indulge ourselves musically, culinary and artistically. There is singing, cooking and acrobatics from all over the world. Simply beautiful. The festival is free if you want to attend. If you want to support the whole thing, buy a booklet for 20 francs and give the artists some hat money. Because that is their fee for this evening.

Our favourites besides the music are the turtle race, the giant camel and the rusty throat. Oh, I love things like that, which could have livened up fairs in the Middle Ages!

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Tina Schray
Tina Schray
1 year ago

How wonderful! Switzerland really does have some really great festivals.
We were just at the Badenfahrt in Aargau. What a mega event that only takes place every 10 years for 10 days in the beautiful town of Baden. Extremely creative festival bars, the majority of which are run by regional associations. And of course the cultural and culinary offerings leave nothing to be desired. It's really highly recommended.
