Tunisia - Visit from home & first impressions

Tunisia - Visit from home & first impressions

Regula, our visiting friend, reads our blog regularly and has a corresponding image of Tunisia. Sunny, rich in culture, history and nature. Romantic sunsets, turquoise sea, sand dunes in the desert and huge canyons.

"Is this how you imagined it?" we ask her in the evening after the first day full of impressions. "Did we draw an honest picture of Tunisia with our blog?"

But already on the drive from the airport to the hotel, it became clear to her that the image we convey in our blog is quite different from what she perceives at first glance.

The dust, the dirt, the many dilapidated houses, the rubbish, the poverty. We forgot to mention all these things in our blog. Or we didn't show them often enough. Hm, could be good. We are very grateful that she reflects this to us and then gives us feedback.

But we also talked about the fact that, of course, when we take photographs, we are always looking for the perfect composition, for a beautiful frame, for the best light.

And actually we have no interest in photographing dirt. It doesn't even occur to us. After all, we are so full of joy and enthusiasm for exactly these beautiful sides of the country that our eyes are sharpened in this direction after a few days.

Besides, we also want to write beautiful diary entries. But we have noticed that, as authentic as we want to be, we do not manage to paint the whole picture. Of course we are grateful that Regula gives us this view from the outside and at the same time we want to show exactly this view here very briefly. This new view. This view of a first visit.

Small insertion: Days later, we set off, Gerd trying to photograph dirt corners, plastic rubbish heaps and broken houses. It feels strange. If we don't want to draw attention to the subject, we don't actually photograph it.

But back to the "first day".

After just a few minutes, our dear friend jumps out of our Felix for the first time, "bakes" bread with the woman at the roadside and dives straight into Tunisian street life. This time we don't crop the pictures, this time there is the baking Regula including street dirt in the background. With rubbish and broken cars. As a first-time visitor probably sees it, not as we see it with our camera-trained blogger's eye.

But I can say it in advance: the nicer photos tend to pile up on her mobile phone after her visit, too. We obviously tick in a similar way.

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Tunisia - Visit from home & first impressions

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Merci for "travelling with us

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1 year ago

Hello you two dear.

Yes, of course, you photograph the beautiful.
The things that are good for the soul. 🤷

We all know that there is dirt and misery.
That is precisely why you need the "beautiful" pictures.
Otherwise you would despair 😉

Have a good trip and enjoy the pictures!
So that we can continue to dream. 🥰

A hug from the Racheli

Rachel Hirt
Rachel Hirt
1 year ago
Reply to  Heike Burch

Very, very much so.

Yes, we should have a good time.
While the going's good 😉

See you soon.....

Kind regards

1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel Hirt

Looking forward to it!
