22 December 2020

22 December 2020

Great Journey 🏍 Day 112
Last night our mobile phone beeped.
"Hello, this morning the white goat gave birth to three kids, if you want to see them, come on over!"

We don't need to be told twice, unfortunately it is already late and we have to wait for the next morning. Then, however, nothing holds us back any more, we jet off into the mountains (you remember, there where we were allowed to harvest olives a few weeks ago!).
In a moment we are allowed to go into the stable and look at the little kids. Mother and babies are doing well, all three kids are drinking diligently and can already bleat a bit like the big one.
At the latest when mummy moves away a bit, they are a bit helpless and call for her. I don't think they can see properly yet, they always bump into the door, Gerd or the bucket and look for something to suck on.
We just sit on the floor for quite a while and watch the little family. It is so wonderful to look at the little creatures. How the mummy cleans them again and again, how the three little ones jostle for just two teats and how the goat mummy can do three things at once, deeply relaxed: Nibbling olive branches, suckling and peeing (no photo, privacy).

After sitting in the barn long enough, we are invited for tree nuts (walnuts for our German readers, although the nuts are not from the whale, but from the tree), mandarins and fresh coffee. Chatting about this and that. What a lovely morning.

#geissen #Zicklein #gitzi #wassindwirddochbeschenkt #dankbar


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