Longer article - quick overview:
Over the years, some favourites have been added. Some channels are no longer current (because perhaps the journey has come to an end) and some are only interesting from time to time. Some are pure information, others just inspiration. Here a great story, there hard facts. Not all YT channels are professional, but they don't have to be. Once you've been infected with the travel bug, you can overlook such trivialities. We mark motorbike channels with a small 🏍 in front of the link!
A really crazy guy is with a scooter (!) on a long, great journey. In the process he tells his Truth of the Journey (English) in a completely bonkers way. We kept shaking our heads at his creative conversions. And who wants to know what happens when you holds his tongue to frozen metal in sub-zero temperatures.... yes he did indeed test it 🙂
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/user/c90adventures
🏍 Website: c90adventures.co.uk
Men's Tours
Männertours, the channel for creative screwdrivers (and child-heads!). Several guys go on a tour every year. On incredibly old junk bikes. We always wonder how they get through the TÜV with their rust buckets. And by the way, we are happy that our bike is still brand new.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLkw6Pa6ybNi5uM_pM0S5ag
🏍 Website: maennertours.weebly.com
A Polish Australian woman has been travelling the world on a motorbike for years. Alone. And takes us with her from country to country. Simply Wow!
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCwn9AheYpfc4F62EZKsOEhw
🏍 Website: onherbike.com
Lea Reck is on the move after her circumnavigation of the world - alone on a motorbike - and after writing her Book actually falls in love again: apparently with her drone. She takes us along on all her journeys, sometimes to Africa, sometimes criss-crossing Scandinavia. Beautiful shots, exciting countries, not much touring, more "off the beaten paths"!
🏍YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCaxru4YflojYNDkpVEriQlA
🏍Website: learieck.de
Maggie's Miles
You can also travel the world on a moped! Here is the proof. Maggie shows her experiences in a highly professional and entertaining way on YouTube.
🛵 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCGrBuSEHMCWt3mCpoApHj8A
Valle on Tour
His BMW GS in very special colours is his trademark. He organises group motorcycle tours and makes films about the countries he visits. Very professionally done, a real business. It's fun to accompany him virtually on his trips. If you still like to tinker and modify your GS with all kinds of gadgets, you can also watch the non-travel videos.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC0vUVkmOvt4g7M-xW7fYDCQ
🏍 Website: valleontour.com
Ruti also only recently started his very first motorbike journey. Bought a motorbike and set off without much basic knowledge. In March '20, he got stuck in Morocco for a few months. But for some time now he has been on the road again. He tells his stories in a sympathetic, simple and authentic way.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCDbEkEI2ALQAEvc3Y7R7HeA
🏍 Website: rutisreisen.de
XT Adventures
A Bärner couple, Xenia and Martin, travelled around the world on two motorbikes for almost 3 years. In spring 2020, they came home, and shortly before we left, we visited them and were able to benefit from their many experiences.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCJk4vyi0XcbY-4aZmsa0e1w
🏍 Website: xtadventures.ch
Sami is new to our list. He is travelling with his partner on two motorbikes all the way to Mongolia. That was the plan. But things turned out differently. Iran was the end of the road for the time being. But the two of them, who show better pictures with every video, don't let themselves be dissuaded that easily and start again a year later. This time channel.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC-DGZreZKCpBh34rvAyhvpA
CaroOn the road
She started over and wanted to go to Mongolia with an old AfricaTwin. But worldwide circumstances got in the way. You can see her preparations and small trips to Europe on her website.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/user/Caro0Dame
🏍 Website: carounterwegs.com
Travelling on the motorbike. It's been quiet since Corona, but you can watch 11 vlogs.
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/user/MrHonky666
🏍 Website: moppedhiker.de
Joe Pichler: 27,145 km from Salzburg to India
An exciting motorbike trip takes Salzburg adventurer Joe Pichler overland to India.
🏍 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffa21UV9sNo
🏍 Website: http://www.josef-pichler.at/content/infos/auf-nach-indien/
A family with two wonderful, lively mini-sons travel through South America in an off-road camper. We don't know what fascinates us more: the landscape, the family or all the experiences. Very beautiful shots!
🚐 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCn0I6VDWaSQrvdbUnzsXETg
🚐 Boundless Docu: youtube.com/watch?v=x-T8mc_45EM
Boundless - Discover the world
Wonderful documentaries about people in their countries.
🌏 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCcZjlkF37uIEyg7QQZ8qdNw
Peace Love and Om
On this channel you can see a wide variety of vehicle conversions with people telling how and why they live, work and live on the road.
🚐 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCNqAk4bI7RQlI1RuqewmQYA
🚐 Website: peace-love-om.com
WDR Travel
Are you interested in travelling? Here you can immerse yourself in different countries and regions.
🌏 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC2kuG2O3pr60xmclc2c6b4g
🌏 Website: wdr.de/consumers/leisure/travel/
We had accompanied this couple especially through Europe, North and South America in their Defender. Very entertaining. Since 2020 (and the Corona era), vehicle conversions are more the topic.
🚐 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC9Nnuj48jpJLkZ73qitba3Q
🚐 Website: thesunnyside.com
Silke and Jan have been on the road for years. Stranded with a broken motorbike in Iran. Travelling on through the winter in Mongolia with a Bulli. Driving through Bulgaria in an Ural VW Passat. So if anyone has something to tell, it's these two. Sometimes you ask yourself, really, what have they done to deserve all these challenges (new German for problem!)? In addition to the YT channel, there is a very informative website and also the book Eisreise. The two of them (and again I ask myself with a smile, are they still normal?) ride motorbikes to the North Cape in winter! Simply crazy! And great.
🏍 + 🚐 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCPjtQGUf5alj6Bk_jVzO_Dg
🏍 + 🚐Website: motorcycletrip.blog
Rosie Gabrielle
🏍 YouTube: youtube.com/user/rosieGabrielle
Life with Sandy & Benni
This couple was actually the beginning of our idea to travel longer. When we saw how little you can go out into the world with, it was clear to us: we can do that too. Maybe not really a travel channel anymore, but for us the initial spark.
🌏 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCnmx2KFVQdK5bvs8ZczQ0Vw
🌏 Website: lifewithsandyandbenni.com
We are veg
Also one of the first YT channels in our list. A couple travelled meeega-slow for months with a small camper van. In the meantime, their journey is over, but it was the same for them: they set off. And we were very excited about that.
🚐 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC32BV6P1byQqIohkkAJNaAw
All inspirations:
Websites & Blogs // Books & Audio Books // Podcasts // Films & Series // Youtube & Co
Photo: contrastwerkstatt - stock.adobe.com
Hello Heike,
I have another tip: Itchy Boots is also very interesting.
Hi Beatrice, thank you! Let's take a look and add to our list!
Kind regards "over there"!
Heike & Gerd
Hello Heike,
I like C.E.J. Adventure Documentary (if only because of the dialect 🙂 ).
Greetings Udo
Hello Udo, thank you for your tip. Now you've made us curious about the dialect.
Kind regards - Heike