30 June 2021

30 June 2021

Great Journey 🏍 Day 295-231
Sore throat and snot. I've got it.
It's great to experience that at 35-40 degrees. What do you do there?

Man (!) is looking for a small room for us to hole up in. So I do. Between high-dose vitamin C, fresh juices and piteous whining, I sleep a lot. (And unfortunately also work a bit, that has to change!) And just wake up 5 days later and feel much better again.

That too is travelling: you can't always plan everything. The nice thing about it is that we can take the time we want and, in this case, need.

But at the same time we think a lot about our journey. Is everything the way we want it to be? What has turned out differently than we wanted? What do we want, what do we no longer want? Sometimes these breaks are also good to reflect a bit. And to readjust the course.

#GoodToGetTogether #BackLook #ForWardLook
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"Life pure!" is a collection of our very personal travel moments. We are on an open-ended and no-plan trip 🌍 on a motorbike 🏍.
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