07 January 2021

07 January 2021

Great Journey 🏍 Day 128
What a year! 2021 is MY year!
I know it, I feel it.
I've even won twice at SkipBo!

Those of you who have been reading for a while already know that in the many years of my marriage I have only been a decorative accessory in the SkipBo game, unfortunately always losing. I liked doing it. At first. But at some point I thought it would be nice to win for once. Not always, but sometimes. Sometimes.

And then, in the very first two games of the year, it happened, the years of patience paid off. I won, twice in a row.
What a start to the year!

Okay, I would prefer not to mention that the many subsequent games went to him again. I don't begrudge him that, of course, when I'm on my high. A little bit. A tiny little bit.

#skipbo #everyonehashisqualities #happinessinlove

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