13 May 2021

13 May 2021

Great Journey 🏍 Day 252
After so much nature, we simply treat ourselves to a few days of city life. And Plovdiv is the perfect place for that. Plovdiv lies in a valley between the Rhodope Mountains and the Balkans.

Among many exciting things, Plovdiv has one thing above all: buzzword-powerful marketing copywriters!

❣️ This is Plovdiv - ancient and eternal, magic and reality
❣️ The Pearl of Bulgaria
❣️ The oldest city in Europe
❣️ An invigorating nightlife among millennia-old ruins
❣️ Romantic old town with colourful and creaky 19th century villas
❣️ European Capital of Culture 2019
❣️ Plovdiv has a modern outlook and old atmosphere
❣️ 3rd place in the "Top 10 most beautiful ancient cities in the world".

And what shall we say? We agree, with every single sentence!

We spent a few days in the city ourselves. We had a good night's sleep and let ourselves drift through the lively old town (full and beautiful street cafés!). We strolled through the Tsar Simeon Garden, which was laid out by a Swiss about 130 years ago and reminds us of Central Park with its liveliness. Winding paths, lots of greenery, even more shade and fountains everywhere. In between, roller-skating kids, busy playgrounds (a joy for our hearts) and Punch and Judy theatres for the little ones.

The magnificent amphitheatre from the 2nd century AD is actually still used for performances today, the excavation sites here are absolutely cleverly integrated into the city and, unlike in Rome, you can even stroll between the ruins. There are plenty of museums, especially the Ethnological Museum fascinated us.

The craftsmen's alley is also wonderful, here old crafts are still on display and we quickly strike up a conversation with weavers, felters and artisan carpenters.

The copywriters are right! It is one or maybe even the pearl of Bulgaria!

#plovdiv #inLove #inDaysCityLife

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