Podcast No. 152 - We distinguish between travel and holidays - and take you into our world of thoughts

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What is actually the difference between travelling as we do and going on holiday?

Attention, small warning: we describe our own definition here and think on the differences.

Factors such as time, budget or interest and how we deal with each are important differences. Because there are so many different ways of travelling and for everyone, "proper travel" is something different.

We'll just try one way of explaining it. Have fun with it!

Merci for "travelling with us

Here you can find our future lectures:

Road trip realities: How we manage to live in a campervan for years.

14 September 2024 in Zellerreit, Mühlthal 1, 83533 Edling, east of Munich globetrotter-treffen.de

27 September 2024 in Basel, ELCH neighbourhood centreinformation will follow

24 - 28 October 2024 Two lectures at the Suisse Caravan Salon

Camels, cultures and contrasts: travelling through mysterious Persia in a camper van.

24 - 28 October 2024 Two lectures at the Suisse Caravan Salon


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