Sweden - Summary

great journey 🇸🇪 day 538 thank you you wonderful sweden. we will surely come again maybe sog

Great Journey 🇸🇪 Day 538
Thank you, you wonderful Sweden. We will surely come back, maybe even soon!
Sweden, another country for a lot of "first times"!

️ Winter camping, i.e. real winter van life
🚐 Working in the van (open-plan office on 1.5 sqm)
🛷 Lapland and the magic of winter
⛸ icy and good roads
️ This glittering light during the day
☃️ Snow en masse
🦌 Elks without antlers (crap, we're here at the wrong time of year)
🧊 Frozen pipes (Hurray for canisters and buckets!)
🌖 Short days, cosy evenings, long nights (we can now sleep easily for 12 hours, almost like hibernation).
🦌 Reindeer everywhere
🛌 Sleeping like a princess on a pea, only instead of 100 blankets under us, 100 blankets over us
📸 (our) mobile phone and camera batteries are squeamish winter mimosas
️ We separate the rubbish again
There are heated toilet blocks at the roadside
🥾 Winter boots are better bought locally "like the locals do".
Northern lights, almost every evening with clear skies (and every now and then we don't feel like going out...)

It is absolutely clear that we could only see a small part of Sweden. But this small part enchanted us, thrilled us, made us happy and pushed us to our limits in terms of cold. Whether we will become winter vanlifers par excellence, we doubt. The desire for flip-flops, beach towels and coffee in a folding chair in front of Felix in a mild summer wind is there. And it's getting stronger by the day.

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