019 - Dubai - The journey home approaches and we part ways in Düsseldorf

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The journey home approaches and our paths part in Düsseldorf

Half past five, after far too little sleep, we are picked up by taxi and a little later we are sitting at the airport again. This time Terminal 3 of Dubai International. The whole terminal is served by Emirates. We have no luggage except our small backpack. Early in the morning we stroll through the colourful duty-free shops and have a few smoothies for breakfast. We are already on the plane, this time a little over 6 hours to Düsseldorf. We hardly sleep, watch films, eat and somehow the time seems to pass well. Because it feels like "a little later" we land in freezing cold Düsseldorf. We wait a little eternity for our backpacks and get our winter clothes from the Sheraton Hotel, where we have deposited the travel bag with the winter clothes. We quickly put on the really necessary warm clothes and hurry to the train. Quickly to the main station, here we part ways. Kathi has to go to Hamburg. Moppi, Gerd and I head for Basel.

Shownotes: https://www.leben-pur.ch/019-dubai-die-heimreise-naht-und-unsere-wege-trennen-sich-in-duesseldorf/ 



Our hotel in Dubai: Phoenix 

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