123 - Why we actually set off - Great journey

123 - Why we actually set off - Great journey

We dedicate this episode to Barbara von ride2seetheWorld.

And watch out! The question of the meaning of a journey. Well, not quite. But a little. If you have time (and we do now), you can also travel inwards. Feel backwards why it was important to set off. We tried to get to the bottom of this question. And to feel why we are doing so well right now, when we are travelling so slowly or not at all at the moment.

Of course, we cannot answer the question completely. It remains an attempt and is always only a snapshot. We take you with us on the journey. On the journey of life.

Maybe you will find yourself in one of the answers. Maybe it's an inspiration. Or maybe it's just worth a mild smile. Either way, if you like, send us a little feedback.

Do you have questions, ideas, tips for further tours? Let us know, write to us or comment on Insta or Facebook!

Best regards -
Heike & Gerd

Our Instagram account:

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