22 December 2021

big trip 🇨🇭 day 473 we want to go up north and prepare ourselves as best we can. our

Great Journey 🇨🇭 Day 473
We want to go up north and prepare as best we can.

Our strategy: I am knitting a winter jumper for our trip. That seems like a sensible preparation for both of us. To get used to the temperatures, I knit outside, of course, in the mountains, with wintry surroundings.

It's only when we're talking about it that we realise that we're preparing for Sweden with a Norwegian pattern. Should we perhaps add something Swedish to our travel prep list? Since we only know a few things about Sweden - for example, that our friend Rainer is a Sweden fan and that Sweden made it to the top of the World Happyness Report - we want to add something in terms of content. But how?

If anyone has any ideas other than Norwegian jumpers to knit, we are open to all Sweden winter tips. However, we hope that our Felix will join us as a snowmobile and we as winter camping newbies. Otherwise we'll turn the steering wheel and head south.

#norwegianPatterns 1TP5WhatCanBeBetterThanKnitting #knittinglove #Sweden

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