23 November 2021

great journey day 441 we have been on the road for a few days now and we have noticed that we are quite

Great Journey Day 441
We've been on the road for a few days now and find that we like it quite a bit.

A brief summary of our expectations and the reality that occurred.

Life isn't taking place outdoors that much at the moment, November is just full of silliness. We do go for long walks, but our camping chairs are nicely tucked away in the - as they say among campers - garage (by which they mean the boot, tse.).

Advantage: nice and cosy, because our gas bottles are still full and the heating is intact.

Spontaneity vs. constantly putting on/off/changing clothes. I don't know how many times we have taken our shoes and jackets off and put them back on in the last few days. It will probably be weeks before we get the hang of what is really a sensible dress code and when.

🧥🥾 Advantage: All clothes are worn once and don't have to languish in the cupboard.

Everything has its place vs. "Where is the charging cable again?"
Actually, everything should have exactly one place (hello Marie Kondo!). And then you go shopping, stow it away "just quickly" and then you have lentils, rice and noodles in three different places. Where was the rubbish bag again? We still had honey. I know I put the SkipBo right here.

🧳 It was so easy when we travelled with only 3 small bike bags packed. Everything had exactly its place. We could find everything in the dark. (But now we have the headlamp in constant use...)

❣️ And one expectation was immediately fulfilled (even though we had set aside more time for exactly that): the time together, the quiet evenings, the view from the bed out of the window into nature. The life without alarm clocks and without appointments (okay, except on our working days). The simple and close to nature. We feel every evening when we crawl into our nest that we have made the right decision for this somewhat restless time for us.

#VanlifeBeginner 1TP6Wearestilllearning 1TP6Whokeepsorderisjusttoolazytolookforit

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