01 May 2019

01 May 2019

A grand tour like that is a grand tour. Today I was on the "Hohen Kasten", a mountain in the Appenzell region that has to be climbed in summer and gondolaed in spring. So, up I go with the gondola. At the top I meet an elderly couple. Both look happy, they are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary ahead (tomorrow the weather is not supposed to be so nice, what's a day earlier?). We talk a little and I ask them what the secret of 55 years of marriage is. They both smile, hold hands and say, as if from the same mouth: 1. no complaining and nagging. 2. 2. always look for the beautiful sides of life. 3. simply love each other. ❣️❣️❣️
@gerhardburch , I think we are on the right track!
It is so wonderful to listen to people when they are travelling. That is what I appreciate most about travelling. The treasures on the road. - - - 
1TP6Love #thankful 1TP6JoyofLife 1TP6Lifepur - - #rideonmalou #gs1250 #advriders #womanrider #gsadventure #bmwmotorbike #gsgirl #grossereise #makelifearide #meinglobetrottermoment #inLOVEwithSWITZERLAND @myswitzerland #swissgrandtour #whyweride



Where. Here: Revolving Restaurant Hoher Kasten


[igp_map lat="47.296593182671″ lon="9.4571042060852″ marker="Drehrestaurant Hoher Kasten" style="ROADMAP" class="" width="400″ height="300″ width_type="pixel" height_type="pixel" zoom="15″]



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